Why You Need Custom Post Types (CPT) for Your WordPress Website?

My Class Marketing
My Class Marketing

WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) because it can be easily customized to meet the needs of any website, from a simple blog, business website, landing page, or sales page, to a complex online store known as an eCommerce website. However, the basic features like "posts" and "pages" post types in WordPress might not always be the best fit for a website. This is where you can use something called a "custom post type" (CPT).

Custom post types (CPTs) let you extend WordPress's capabilities. They let you develop and manage customized content for your website.

What Custom Post Types (CPTs) Can Do?

Custom Posts

The post is the most basic component of any custom post type. They let you make content that is different from your normal posts and pages. This makes it easier to organise and manage certain types of content, like products, announcements, events, or team members.  When you make a Team post type, you'll get a new menu item, just like when you make a Post, Media, or Page post type. This makes it easy to see the different things in each of your teams.

From there, you can easily add, edit, or remove any team members through a familiar admin interface.

Creating a new post type is very helpful, but on its own, you could only add a title, some text, and not much else. Let's look at a few of the tools that can be used to improve a custom post type and make it simple to customize for any purpose.

Custom Taxonomies

Taxonomies are a way to sort your custom posts into different groups. They work like tags and categories, but are only for custom post types.

You can start to improve your post type and make it easy to group content by using standard taxonomies (Tags and Categories) or making new ones.

For example: You had a Team Member Post Type, and want to categories them by departments or skills. You can create new categories called "Departments Categories" and assign it to your custom post type. Then, you could pull out that information and use it in different ways on your site and theme.

With taxonomies, you can make your own categories, tags, and even hierarchical structures.

Custom Fields

With custom fields, you can add more information to your custom posts. They give you a way to show information that is unique to your custom post type, like product specs, event dates, or information about team members. You can add custom fields to your custom posts by using plugins like Meta Box or custom code in your theme.

Meta Box ease the process to put custom fields without using any code until you want to show them on your site.

Benefits Using Custom Post Types (CPTs)

  1. Improved organization: By creating custom post types, you can categorise and organize your content in a way that makes sense for your website. This makes it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for and for you to manage your content.
  2. Better SEO: You can optimize your content for search engines with custom post types, which makes it easier for people to find your site through search results.
  3. Enhanced functionality: CPTs allow you to expand your site's capabilities by incorporating new features like custom fields and taxonomies. This simplifies the presentation and administration of individual categories of material, such products, events, or team members.
  4. Better User Experience: With custom post types, you may make your own layouts, giving you full creative control over your site's look and feel. The result could be happier users and higher levels of participation.

In conclusion, custom post types are a must-have tool for anyone who wants to make a flexible and custom WordPress site. They make it possible for you to better organize, optimize, and display your material, which in turn makes it easier for users to locate what they are looking for and for you to manage your website.

What are Recommended CPTs Plugin for WordPress?

If you're building a website using Elementor, Bricks, Breakdance or Oxygen Builder, we highly recommend you to buy Meta Box.

Meta Bos pricing from $49/year(for 1 site) and Life Time Deal (LTD) for $299 (for 3 sites)

If you have more than 3 website projects they also got Agency Plans - Unlimited Website from $149/year and Life Time Deal (LTD) for $699

metabox banner

And If you are WordPress designer or developer that use Elementor or Guternberg to create a website we also recommend to use Croco Block.

crocoblock advanced plugins
Croco Block Advanced Plugins for Elementor and Gutenberg

Croco Block have all-in-one solutions for your WordPress development website. A lot of functions can be used such as Jet Grid Builder to display content dynamically for your CPT, Products, Pages, Post, Terms and more. With Jet Grid Builder, you can design your own card content to show important content to be displayed on your main page or archive page.

Others features you can benefits from this plugin is their Jet Search with Ajax Search. Having a customiseable search form on your website header or on you banner section is great, but it will be exciting with AJAX on it!

There is many solutions you can have with Croco Block. Just go on their website and explore everything they got. You will love it!

CPTs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

With custom post types, you can make content in WordPress that is different from your regular posts and pages. You can use them to enhance your site's functionality and improve how certain types of content are stored, accessed, and displayed.

You can create custom post types in WordPress by using plugins or by adding custom code to your theme. Some popular plugins for creating custom post types include Custom Post Type UI and Pods (Free).

If you have some extra funds, we suggest you use the paid versions of CPTs like Meta Box ($49/year), which give you more ways to customise WordPress.

Yes, you can use custom post types to show many different types of content on your site, like products, events, team members, and more.

It's your website, so of course being able to customise your custom post will make it easier for you to organise and update content in the future.

Yes, you can add custom fields to your custom post types by using plugins or custom code in your theme. With custom fields, you can show extra information that is only relevant to your custom post type.

Yes, taxonomies can be used to properly categorise your custom post types for your site. Taxonomies act similarly to tags and categories, but they are only common to custom post types.

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