Surgaroute is a halal travel website that shares everything about halal travel worldwide. This website is in Bahasa Melayu and is more focused on the audience in Malaysia. Surgaroute's Facebook Page has already reached 200k+ likes and still growing. They love to share everything about travel stuff on their page.
After 1+ years of writing around 400+ articles on the website, the owner of the website comes to us to do an upgrade of the website to a new design and at the same time to do some SEO Optimization so that they can rank well on Google Search. Also, the owner asks us to build a website that complies with Google Adsense policy as they want to implement Google Adsense code in it.
Solutions: decide to accept this challenge to help our clients rank well on Google Search results and reach more audiences in the future. At first, we ask our clients to provide some information about their current websites such as colour, font, size, info, and article design that represent their brand identity. After that, we provide some design ideas that match our client's preferences for them to choose to redesign the website.
As the website is already built-in WordPress, we analyse the SEO score and post schema to see how well it has been done. Based on our research, there are so many unnecessary plugins installed to achieve easy things on their website. We decide to minimize plugins used and replace them with better solutions to improve page speed score so that their visit will not take a long time to load the website.
How We Do It:
First, we change the homepage layout to show the latest article and the top 10 views of their own article. This is to make sure their top performance article will be read by their audience and at the same time help Google Bots to understand that those articles are good for their website visitor. Google rewards those articles by ranking at #1 Google Search results that are related to the search keywords.
Next, we add a new feature Table of Contents for articles that have headings. This helped to provide Google with some information to improve the article's search schema. At the same time, we also add an Author box for each article as per our client's requirement and put related articles based on the current article category for their website visitor to read. Related articles method helps in improve session time for each website visitor of their website. The longer time the website visitor stays on the website the better. also add new schema markup for each article to help Google Crawl and Index their website.
We also consult our clients to use JPEG format images as much as possible and compresses their image at Compress or Die website to get lightweight images files for their article. This way helps to improve the load time of their website when their website visitor wants to read articles.
Want us to revamp your website? Contact us now!